We're stoked to introduce not just one of our most loyal shapers, but also another Macho Fins family member, Kris Hall of Kris Hall Surfboards from Hermosa Beach, California, USA.  Kris has been riding with our fins for several years now, and we've been collaborating on models for his range of handshaped longboards.  Kris regularly travels around the world surfing and shaping at the top spots, and as such his classic models can be found in prime surf shops worldwide.

Kris Hall Surfboards Logo

We sent Kris our Shaper Stories questions to find out a bit more about him and his boards...

Tell us where you’re from and where you’re based.

I’m from Redondo Beach, California and I build surfboards in Hermosa Beach which is the neighbouring town in the South Bay.

What inspired your logo/brand name?

The inspiration for my logo/brand is from early 60s shapers.  I wanted something simple, clean cut and timeless.  It’s supposed to be a business card, because in the early 60s shapers would laminate their business cards before they had logos.  I always thought that was cool.

Tell us a bit about how, when and why you got into shaping.

I got into shaping when I was 15 years old, and I started shaping partly because the surfers I looked up to built their own boards and I’ve always enjoyed building and working with my hands.

What kind of boards do you mostly shape?

I mostly shape alternative style boards, ranging from 60s style longboards to 70s mid lengths even some twin fin fishes. 

What’s your preferred fin set up to a) shape and b) surf?

As of now my preferred board and fin set up is a 10’0 Jazz Pin as a single fin in 4-6 foot waves.  However, my preference is ever changing as far as board and fin set up.  It really depends on where I’m at that moment and where I have been surfing. 

Best tip for the budding shaper?

Shape because you love it, not to make money.

What’s been the most memorable board you’ve ever shaped & why?

I don’t have a single most memorable board I’ve made, every board I build from start to finish and enjoy surfing on becomes a great memory for me.  I really just remember how much fun I had in that session or even season of my life.  I say this because I make myself a new board probably every month.  So after a while I stop remembering boards I’ve made until I see a picture or video of me surfing that board and then I start to be fond of it.

What's the bonus of using Macho Fins in your boards? 

The bonus of using Macho Fins in my boards is the high quality fin manufacturing and the templates made for each board model collaborated with Macho to be the best surfing fin possible. 

Thanks Kris!  And you can check out Kris Hall Surfboards on their Instagram and website.

Photo Credit: Xué Gil

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