A while ago, after a particularly shocking plastic-filled beach trip (and our own mini beach clean as a result), we made a list.  We listed all the single-use plastics we use in the workshop and set ourselves the task of finding alternatives.  It turned out to be a very inspiring (and ongoing) search.  Thanks to everyone who gave us ideas, pointers and suggestions – there are so many innovative alternatives out there that we didn’t know about, who knew you could make material out of mushrooms?! 

Over the next few weeks and months, we’ll be presenting you with some of our alternatives – many of which are simple things which you too could put into practice. 

As part of this eco drive, we’ll also be revealing details of a collaboration with a forward thinking British-based business, and an alliance with a very inspiring organization based here in Spain focused on saving our surf breaks and sustainability in the surf industry which we’re very excited and proud to become involved with.  Watch this space! 

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